
Inspiration · 14. March 2018
Learn how to calculate the engagement rate of your account.

Inspiration · 09. February 2018
Beautiful insights into the Italian Dolomites.

Inspiration · 25. January 2018
It is getting harder to stay on top of all the new Instagram update. Here is an insight into the most important algorithm updates for January 2018.

Inspiration · 24. November 2017
*werbung Viele von euch werden sich wahrscheindlich denken, warum um alles in der Welt schneidet sich die Carina ihre langen, schönen Haare ab? Was wäre wenn ich euch sage ich hatte nie lange, schöne Haare? Whaaaaat? Wie das Carina?

Inspiration · 13. October 2017
What if you didn't know what time it was?

Inspiration · 25. September 2017
The art of learning a language.

Inspiration · 09. September 2017
Read about the ups and downs of my fasting cure and how it helped me to cleanse my body.