We all see them on Instagram - the famous unicorn super smoothie bowls. It always looks like a magical creation sent from a different galaxy for you to enjoy.
Today I want to show you with this very simple blogpost how easy it is to make a unicorn bowl all by yourself. There are only a couple of simple tricks you need to know in order to make a beautiful creation and impress all your friends with it.
What I love about nice cream is that it is really so super easy to make. It takes about ten minutes and you have a delicious low fat snack.
Working with frozen stuff however is also a great challenge - at least for me - as ice cream simply will start melting and you need to be fast before everything runs away.
But a little practice and soon enough you will be making the most magical bowls yourself.
So lets jump right into the recipe :)
This is what you will need:
3 frozen bananas
100ml any kind of milk
4g of blue spirulina powder
4g of pink pitaya powder
And that is literally it. If you want you can add an extra scoop of protein, coconut flakes or a teaspoon of almond butter. There are many ways you can pimp the basic recipes.
There is only one thing you need to prepare before you can start making the recipe. You will need to cut the bananas into slices and freeze them overnight. Also, you will need four bowls. Make sure to also put them into the freezer so they will be cold once you start working with the nice cream.
Now pour the milk into the blender and add a couple of banana slices. Start mixing and keep adding more frozen bananas. You might have troubles mixing it at first. Stop the blender, use a spoon to mix up the frozen blend and start mixing again until you get a very smooth consistency.
Take out the cold bowls from the freezer. Divide the nice cream into three different bowls.
Now its time to add the color. Put a teaspoon of pink pitaya powder into the first bowl and mix it well until you get a beautiful pink color.
Add the blue color to the second bowl and again stir well. Take the third bowl and add a bit of the blue and a bit of the pink powder until you will get a nice purple color.
Now you need the fourth bowl. Divide the bowl mentally up into thirds and pour in the different colors from different sides. Take a spoon and slowly swirl the colors together.
Almost done! The final step is decorating your bowl. You can use bananas, strawberries, blueberries, granola, coconut flakes, sprinkles, macarons and what ever else you can think of!
Now quickly take a pic - it melts fast. and enjoy your beautiful bowl.
If you try this recipe please send me a picture of your bowl. I would love to see your wonderful creation.
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